Monday, May 6, 2013

Obama's Approval Ratings

I really find it interesting how much the ratings of the current president vary throughout their term. As Obama came into office everyone thought he would produce miracles, at this point people are realizing he's human. I just think it's funny how ignorant people can be in the sense that they think one person can solve every single problem within a country and if they don't solve all of them right away they think they have failed. I know that we talked about the left and right thing and how they aren't that different but even when I was in high school I knew that people were assigning too much hope and expectations to Obama when he first was elected and he basically had no where to go but down. Which in a sense may of been his fault for running on a campaign saying that he would completely turn this country around quickly, which if you had any sense you would know that it would take a lot of time to do.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Shane, it's funny because he started from the bottom with all the stuff left over from the Bush era and was expected to fix all that and better the nation in such a short amount of time. One man can't do it all that's why he needs help from every class in the nation to improve the conditions. When the bourgeois, the middle class, and the poor can work together than problems will be easier to solve.
