Saturday, May 18, 2013

Population growth and climate change explained by Hans Rosling – video | Global development |

Another glimpse of the future.....

Population growth and climate change explained by Hans Rosling – video | Global development |


  1. He makes a great point, our society needs to account for the future. I believe there are teams out there with strategies and ways to make this work. I would like to see neighborhoods that each have a solar panel that distributes equal amounts of energy to everyone living within the vicinity.

  2. This is really interesting. Looking into the future is really important but it's difficult when people are so myopic

  3. "The old Western world will just be the foundation of the modern world" (Rosling). Hans Rosling predicts that by the end of the century the developing countries will move forward and there will be an end to the third world. Before we reach this fundamental point in human history we must first control the carbon dioxide omission of the Western world. As illustrated by Hans, where the Western world has 6 beads representing carbon omission, the poorest of countries only have one for the same amount of people. How is it fair that that one group with the same population is consuming 6x more than the other?!

  4. I agree with his idea that our future needs to be taken into account which will be beneficial to humanity as a whole. However, before we focus on the future I believe we should examine our past first. We should take into account what has led us to our current situation and what we can do to learn from it and progress positively. I think that our past is just as important as our future.

  5. There needs to be a shift in priorities now in order to change the future. Society simply does not care about the right things at the moment. The developed world's morality is just a bit off in my opinion.
