Saturday, May 11, 2013

The news media is even worse than you think - Brett Arends's ROI - MarketWatch

A really good analysis of the problems in the media today.  Short and readable.

The news media is even worse than you think - Brett Arends's ROI - MarketWatch


  1. "The problems aren’t as bad as they appear. They are much, much worse" (Market Watch). What has become of media today! The author of the article highlights two reasons why media is the way it is today. He says speed is the first problem. People want their information in real time these days and the journalists that publish information the fastest will come out on top. The other problem is money. There is no money in journalism these days! With so much media out there it is hard for media sources to get readers to pay a premium price. With very little readers paying, how can newspapers/magazines pay writers?

  2. You get what you pay for. Since readers are not paying for news, should the standard for news pieces be lowered? Could the culture surrounding the media change to allow for more mistakes and less quality? This has already started to happen. A tweet is now an official press release.

  3. I agree with Bianca and Alex. The media just does things they think will make them more profit, and are sometimes bias. It's interesting to see how the media can manipulate little things into meaning other things.

  4. Yeah, most people just read the first thing they see and don't research for the best source. I think if there became a trustworthy resource that used the social media like twitter to spread true stories it could combat the other poor media. Then the rest of the media sites would have to work towards being as trustworthy with truthful stories.

  5. It's all about appealing to the viewers. The media will show things and manipulate things in order to boost their ratings. That is why you need to take everything you read with a grain of salt.

  6. The issue of having trust-worthy media will continue to be an issue, especially when it is all about money. The media is only concerned with gaining ratings through viewers or readers. As Shane stated, the media can and will manipulate situations to boost their overall profitability. If there were to be a news company that only presented the truth without bias or manipulation, then it would be a great source for people to rely on. However, the problem would then be that people wouldn't read or watch this news source because it was too boring or not appealing. We can never win.
