Monday, April 20, 2015

Fascinating statistics: current account balances

Seriously, check this out.  Maybe it is the perfect picture of unsustainability?


  1. My initial thing to do when pulling up the site was to find the US...scrolling....scrolling... and eventually I got there. Wow! That's scary. And the EU is really far down there as well. This really does paint a sad image for the US, and I didn't know it was THIS bad compared to other countries. This is a dangerous trend the US is on and we need to do something about this now. Here's another interesting read on the US account deficits

  2. We're last?!? Talk about being disillusioned about the state of things! There is no way we can continue running an account deficit like this. It seems ironic to me that we bolster the notion of America as the strongest economic player in the world: we may be the strongest but we're certainly not winning the game!

  3. Pretty terrifying, when the US is considered (by most people) the strongest and most reliable economy in the world. This deficit spending can't continue! I know it's supposed to be for the good of our economy, but I would have to imagine that this will come back to haunt us...maybe even in the not-so-distant future.

  4. Wow, this is both fascinating and terrifying! The United States is clearly not the top economic player in the world right now. This connects back to Wolf's reading in the the world economy shifted from a production/ trade basis to a more financial basis. Perhaps the United States' economy was able to gain so much credibility for being a financial powerhouse leading this shift, although the country hasn't never had the best economic policies.
