Friday, April 18, 2014

Privatization and profits: consider prisons


Privatization of the US Prison System | Global Research


  1. Wow this is interesting. The world isn't all sweet in reality. I'll stay out of jail. These prisoners are really getting drained of their energy. I mean, they might have done something wrong in the past, but does that justify what these companies are doing? It's wild.

  2. I had heard a little about private prison industry in the past, but never in such an extreme infographic. It just goes to show that private industry isn't best suited to do everything.

    We know that profits will always be a private businesses end incentive, so there should be a very simple test to see whether or not private business are allowed to run an industry: What is the ideal social outcome in terms of maximum benefit to the country and its citizen? Will the results of profit-incentive activities drive businesses to this outcome? If no, should be publicly run (i.e., healthcare, prisons, etc..)

  3. wow, this is really mind blowing. I had no idea that this industry was so big. Another area to be regulated!

  4. It is important to look into how the War on Drugs has impacted the prison industrial complex. I remember reading an article stating that roughly 60% of all federal inmates are incarcerated for a drug-related crime.
