Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lehman Reaches Beyond Grave Seeking Millions From Nonprofits - Bloomberg

I read this article and decided that the only winners will be the lawyers.........

Lehman Reaches Beyond Grave Seeking Millions From Nonprofits - Bloomberg

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that even though Lehman is put of business, they are still demanding funds from various non-profits. When the doors are closed how can Lehman still be operating and demanding funds? According to the article, Lehman is desperately trying to gain funds so that they can maximize returns to their bankruptcy creditors. It is just sad to me that Lehman insists on collecting from non-profits such as Buck. Buck is working on curing illnesses and Lehman is trying to get the little money they have which could be spent on more medical research. Where is the justice in that?
