Friday, May 6, 2016

So if the revolution is not televised, does it not exist?

Have you heard of a 2013 Obama administration national security directive—Presidential
Policy Directive 22?  It is the reason the secret service will be allowed to screen journalists before issuing press credentials for the Republican and Democratic conventions this summer.  Oh by the way, the directive is secret, the language is classified.  An official listing of President Obama’s directives
mentions the existence of PPD 22 but otherwise offers no explanation,
leaving the line blank. (An anonymous law enforcement official told
Politico that the directive gives the Secret Service to power of
enforcing “access control.”)  So if the revolution is not televised, does it not exist? This seems
to be the premise of a lot of the absence, selective coverage, and
minimization of important political stories.


American Police State: Secret Service Controlling Journalist Access to Conventions by Arbitrary, Secretive, No Appeal Screening Process | naked capitalism


  1. There are things the government is doing that I am glad I do not know about, but this isn't right. Based off of the lack of diversity between the news stations I am not surprised that there is some form of government regulations over the media. I do not this is right because the news is turning into reality tv. Nothing is real and it is all scripted. Unfortunately, I do, in this case believe that if a news story isn't televised then it is as if nothing happened. Look at the Flint water crisis for example. The residents of Flint had terrible water for years, but no one cared about it or really knew about it until it was on the news. This basically wasn't happening until the news covered this story. It is really sad and unfortunately true.

  2. Mass media in the United States is an interesting mixture of public and private organizations. On one hand we have NPR and PBS doing their best to report fairly on news. The other much uglier side includes Viacom, Time Warner, Comcast etc...
    These huge corporations have their own agendas and reporting unbiased news is not their main goal.
