Thursday, May 22, 2014

Piketty Review Roundup: “Capital in the 21st Century” : Blog of the Century

If anyone wants to read a review of Piketty, here is a list of them.

Piketty Review Roundup: “Capital in the 21st Century” : Blog of the Century


  1. There are so many reviews! It's great to see that people are discussing and thinking about this issue. I don't think I can finish reading them all but they all seem to have their own unique take on Piketty's "Capital". One of Piketty's main goals when writing this book was tor raise awareness, and in this respect he has done exceptionally well.

  2. I agree with Hikaru that these reviews all have their various takes on Piketty, but to me one consistent thread throughout all of them is that each of the policy suggestions seem politically insurmountable. It goes back to our questions in class and what is feasible. It will be interesting to see how long this book continues to 'make noise.'
